芸術衛星「INVADER」が周回する、高度407kmという高度は、高さと共に気温が高くなる熱圏とよばれる大気の層(80-800km)にあたり、そこでの気温は約1000℃にも達します。この高度では、真空と微小重力のため、空冷や対流による熱の移動が起らず、日照側と日陰側では大きな温度差が生まれます。こうした厳しい宇宙環境における、衛星各6面の温度センサーの値を可視化したパターンを重ねていくことで、様々な表現を生成します。The altitude of 407km at which the "INVADER" art satellite is orbiting is part of the so-called thermosphere, a layer of the atmosphere (80-800km) in which the temperature rises with altitude. Temperatures at this altitude can reach up to approximately 1,000℃. Due to the effects of vacuum and microgravity, heat transfer through air-cooling or convection does not occur, which results in a huge temperature difference between areas under solar irradiation and those in the shadow. A variety of visual images are created by layering patterns visualizing values measured by temperature sensors on the satellite's six faces under such harsh environmental conditions.