技術提供:doubleNegatives Architecture データ提供:東京大学中須賀研 PRISMチーム
INVADER travels the sky in an inclined orbit with an angle of 65degrees, at a latitude between –65 and +65 degrees. As it is in a polar sun-synchronous orbit and therefore passes a certain position at a different time each day, it will go through periods of permanent solar irradiation, as well as periods during which it will be half irradiated and half hidden from the sunlight, which makes heat and power design extremely tricky tasks.
At Terminal 3 "Location", the position of the PRISM satellite in relation to the earth's surface and ground station, as well as the satellite's transmissible, visible range are depicted in a Mercator projection based on the satellite's direction of movement and position in relation to the earth on a given day. Here it is possible to observe gradual shifts in the relationship between the satellite's orbit and the earth surface due to the rotation of the earth. Communication between the ground station on The University of Tokyo's Hongo Campus and the satellite will be possible four times each day. While looking at the map based on the satellite, visitors can further experience both visually and acoustically via radio waves how the satellite that cannot be seen with the naked eye moves closer within visible range, and slowly disappears again after the correspondence.
Tama Art University is presently setting up a new ground station for the "ARTSAT: Art and Satellite Project". Nonetheless, a singular ground station can communicate with a satellite for a total of not much more than 25 minutes per day, which means that the total volume of data exchanged at a speed of 1,200bps between INVADER and the ground station can amount to only 11 kilobytes per day.
Data contributed by PRISM Project Team, Intelligent Space Systems Laboratory, The University of Tokyo